So I was seeing this girl, and by that I mean a few dates, nothing serious. I definately told her in the beginning I wasn't looking for anything. So the first time we hangout, it went good, second time, ehh, third time, yikes. The last time we hangout I took her to my favorite bar and she made a fool of the both of us. She was rude and just cold to everyone. Whined the whole time and sucked the fun out of the night. I let her stay by me because she was drunk and I didn't want her driving, which was fun. I'm not a cuddler, I'm like a dude in a chicks body. The next morning she talked way too much for how early it was, was crawling all over me, curled up on my back at one point. It was annoying. I stopped talking to her and told her I didn't want to see her anymore. She stalked my house for two days. Was telling me how much she thought she loved me. Point is, I cannot get her to go away. She past stage 5 cling-on. I've told her I'm not interested and want her to leave me alone. Nothing seems to work I guess. I'm not sure what to do anymore. She tries saying stupid shit thinking she will get a response however nothing really bothers me and I'm very uninterested so jealousy if definately no issue.
Why are some girls crazy? And why don't they get hints? I always try to avoid any situation that makes you look like a fool. Are people that dumb to let themselves look like a complete idiot?
Why are some girls crazy? And why don't they get hints? I always try to avoid any situation that makes you look like a fool. Are people that dumb to let themselves look like a complete idiot?
"i got your back . bitches be crazy" sheldon cooper knows what's up.. i feel you though. some people just don't get it. stage 5's are never any good.
Just use the "It's not you, it's me and I am moving to Nepal" excuse.