i have some important new info for those of you in sf......
i did my audition at the hustler club and they liked me but could not hire me because i have "Too many tattoos". but the good news is, they own another one of the top clubs in town and sent me over there, and i was immediately hired.
so: tues through sunday nights i will be working from 7/8 pm till close at SHOWGIRLS...which is up on broadway by the bridge (right across the street from the Centerfolds club)
i have to play the djs music, unfortunitely, but hes got a few good things and anyway it will still be fun....they also have the private rooms so if any of you guys want to come down and help my college fund i'll love you forever!!!
also i want to say this....
i have noticed since ive been in town that a bunch of people in bars or even at my mini-show at the parkside bar will recognise me (i think because of the stares and whispers...ha)but barely anyone actually talks to me!!
first of all, im not a snob, im just another kid at the bar and if you actually are reading this it means you read my journal which means you know about me, etc. i would really like to meet fun people and i wont bite if you come over and say hi!!! its actually very weird and uncomfortable for me to be drinking or sitting somewhere and be watched but "ignored" in a weird way too. id rathar be normal.
second, im here to try to meet people and work for money for art school....so if everyone is afraid to talk to me it seriously effects my ability to do that!! not to mention i wanna have fun with the kind of people i enjoy hanging around, rathar than the more typical exotic-club clientel, you know?
to the three boys and one girl who have actually come up to me and said hi, and introduced themselves....thanks! seriously!
and to everyone who doesnt live in sf, i'll write another more entertaining journal entry soon...sorry!
i did my audition at the hustler club and they liked me but could not hire me because i have "Too many tattoos". but the good news is, they own another one of the top clubs in town and sent me over there, and i was immediately hired.
so: tues through sunday nights i will be working from 7/8 pm till close at SHOWGIRLS...which is up on broadway by the bridge (right across the street from the Centerfolds club)
i have to play the djs music, unfortunitely, but hes got a few good things and anyway it will still be fun....they also have the private rooms so if any of you guys want to come down and help my college fund i'll love you forever!!!

also i want to say this....
i have noticed since ive been in town that a bunch of people in bars or even at my mini-show at the parkside bar will recognise me (i think because of the stares and whispers...ha)but barely anyone actually talks to me!!
first of all, im not a snob, im just another kid at the bar and if you actually are reading this it means you read my journal which means you know about me, etc. i would really like to meet fun people and i wont bite if you come over and say hi!!! its actually very weird and uncomfortable for me to be drinking or sitting somewhere and be watched but "ignored" in a weird way too. id rathar be normal.
second, im here to try to meet people and work for money for art school....so if everyone is afraid to talk to me it seriously effects my ability to do that!! not to mention i wanna have fun with the kind of people i enjoy hanging around, rathar than the more typical exotic-club clientel, you know?
to the three boys and one girl who have actually come up to me and said hi, and introduced themselves....thanks! seriously!
and to everyone who doesnt live in sf, i'll write another more entertaining journal entry soon...sorry!
-Paul Smalley