Thanks everyone for your supportive comments on my previous blog
I'm at the 200 hour mark until surgery - just 8 days
The preparations are going well... I almost have all of my Christmas shopping finished. Tomorrow morning I pick up my wheelchair and, sigh, raised toilet seat. Heckler cleaned and rearranged our bedroom, so I will be able to navigate in there with my chair. The only thing I really didn't achieve in time for the surgery was the weight loss. Apart from having McDonald's today, I've been eating pretty well - it is just the working out that I didn't get to do, but that was because of the pain, I couldn't have worked out.
We only have one foster kitten left, and he is going to his new home later in the week... though it looks as though he is taking the place of another kitten, who will be coming back. I had hoped to have them all adopted by my surgery date, but one kitten isn't that bad.
Ranger's health is deteriorating rapidly, and that is pretty stressful... he is 12 years old now, so he has reached his life expectancy... but that doesn't make me feel any better about it. He had a big vet visit about two months ago, and the drugs we got (and have since refilled) are no longer helping. He has also developed a large lump on his side. We're in talks about final arrangements
I got word that my great uncle passed away yesterday. That was pretty sad. He was ill for a long time, so it is a blessing that he has passed and is free of the confines of his body. We weren't extremely close, but he stuck up for my mom & I when my father (his nephew) treated us so horribly; blood is often thicker than water, but he called my father out on what he had done when the rest of the family stood silent.
On Rememberance Day, my grandmother came over for a visit. She brought me one of my grandad's medals from World War II. I saw it and just bawled. I hugged her and thanked her very much. I loved my grandad - he was my real dad - the man I always depended on. I'm getting teary writing this...
Okay, that was kind of heavy... sorry. Let's smile

I'm at the 200 hour mark until surgery - just 8 days

The preparations are going well... I almost have all of my Christmas shopping finished. Tomorrow morning I pick up my wheelchair and, sigh, raised toilet seat. Heckler cleaned and rearranged our bedroom, so I will be able to navigate in there with my chair. The only thing I really didn't achieve in time for the surgery was the weight loss. Apart from having McDonald's today, I've been eating pretty well - it is just the working out that I didn't get to do, but that was because of the pain, I couldn't have worked out.
We only have one foster kitten left, and he is going to his new home later in the week... though it looks as though he is taking the place of another kitten, who will be coming back. I had hoped to have them all adopted by my surgery date, but one kitten isn't that bad.
Ranger's health is deteriorating rapidly, and that is pretty stressful... he is 12 years old now, so he has reached his life expectancy... but that doesn't make me feel any better about it. He had a big vet visit about two months ago, and the drugs we got (and have since refilled) are no longer helping. He has also developed a large lump on his side. We're in talks about final arrangements

I got word that my great uncle passed away yesterday. That was pretty sad. He was ill for a long time, so it is a blessing that he has passed and is free of the confines of his body. We weren't extremely close, but he stuck up for my mom & I when my father (his nephew) treated us so horribly; blood is often thicker than water, but he called my father out on what he had done when the rest of the family stood silent.
On Rememberance Day, my grandmother came over for a visit. She brought me one of my grandad's medals from World War II. I saw it and just bawled. I hugged her and thanked her very much. I loved my grandad - he was my real dad - the man I always depended on. I'm getting teary writing this...
Okay, that was kind of heavy... sorry. Let's smile

Sorry about your Great Uncle. That was good of him to do what he did.