As I heard that Leafeon and Glaceon are now available in Pokemon Go i couldn't resist to install the App again on my phones and reactivate my accounts. And now I'm really proud that I have a couple of both. :)
And there are also some other new pokemon. The couple on the left side is also new, Pineco on right isn't, but it's my first shiny version of it.
Don't forget to tag people when you respond. I just happened back on your page and never would have known you responded otherwise! I've only ever gotten a Charmander months and months ago and just in the last week, a Pysduck. I try to catch every single Pokemon that pops up for me so that makes things super frustrating.
@niffler I had for a very long the the prolem that there are so less pokestops and pokegyms in our town, than I can't catch all pokemon I see, because I would run out of balls and berries then. Now the situation become a but better, we got some additional stops and gyms, and now there also the items out of the presents from friends. But at first here it was frustrating too.