Yeah, I am back.. It didnt take long to realise I'd miss this place.
Plus for $29 it wasnt a bad deal.
sin will be here in 25 days, I cannot believe how quick it has come around. But then when I think about it, it does feel like a long long time since I last saw her. And then it also feels like just yesterday it was christmas. I guess my brain has two concepts of time, and well time is non existant anyway, so whatever.
But yeah, I'd like to keep updating this blog and let all our friends know what we get up too, and while when Sin gets here we have her account.. I cant really use it as such so here I am.
We have so many plans, all of them pretty huge and it can seem impossible at times. But life has a way of working out one way or the other so, what happens; happens.
I've been working alot the last few months trying to save up as much money as I can. Sin is here on a 12 month Visa and we want to get our own place. I for one will go completely insane if I stay in my parents house for much longer. I am pretty ashamed of it, and it doesnt do anything good for an already steady dose of depression.
Which is the other reason work is hard, it is way to easy having my job to not be in the mood for it.
Theres no way I am going back on medication though, and for the most part I'm pretty fine and dandy, so this aint a sob story by far. I just wish it didnt effect my work so much.
But it always has to be honest, ever since I was about 16 I think ive been dealing with it.
Only in the last 4 years has it really started to take its toll after certain low points in life. But I have definately moved away from my lowest point which was probably around the beginning of 07.
Since then its been up and up, but it is never easy. It always seems to be a struggle, and all I can do is do my absolute best and that is what I have been trying to do.
There is lots of good work related things happening though.
I have my artwork on Bottle Openers just waiting for the contract and we can start pumping those bad boys out, they're really cool.
I'm working on a project with MrDark which is the most inspiring thing I have worked on well.. forever I think I can safely say. It's one of the only things that really gets my creative juices going lately.
in a way that gets me really excited and my brain wont stop.
There are still so many things I want to do. Things I started, but got lost on the way.
I need to remind myself about my goals and hopes and dreams. Everyday I need to focus on what I love, and what I desire to create. My soul's desire has been neglected and battered and bruised through my travels but it screams to me, from a distance that it needs to be focused on.
I only hope I can rise above my demons to pay it some attention. And then, and only then may something truely, epicly beautiful be created.
And with that, I'm going to pop into chat and say hi.
Plus for $29 it wasnt a bad deal.
sin will be here in 25 days, I cannot believe how quick it has come around. But then when I think about it, it does feel like a long long time since I last saw her. And then it also feels like just yesterday it was christmas. I guess my brain has two concepts of time, and well time is non existant anyway, so whatever.
But yeah, I'd like to keep updating this blog and let all our friends know what we get up too, and while when Sin gets here we have her account.. I cant really use it as such so here I am.

We have so many plans, all of them pretty huge and it can seem impossible at times. But life has a way of working out one way or the other so, what happens; happens.
I've been working alot the last few months trying to save up as much money as I can. Sin is here on a 12 month Visa and we want to get our own place. I for one will go completely insane if I stay in my parents house for much longer. I am pretty ashamed of it, and it doesnt do anything good for an already steady dose of depression.
Which is the other reason work is hard, it is way to easy having my job to not be in the mood for it.
Theres no way I am going back on medication though, and for the most part I'm pretty fine and dandy, so this aint a sob story by far. I just wish it didnt effect my work so much.
But it always has to be honest, ever since I was about 16 I think ive been dealing with it.
Only in the last 4 years has it really started to take its toll after certain low points in life. But I have definately moved away from my lowest point which was probably around the beginning of 07.
Since then its been up and up, but it is never easy. It always seems to be a struggle, and all I can do is do my absolute best and that is what I have been trying to do.
There is lots of good work related things happening though.
I have my artwork on Bottle Openers just waiting for the contract and we can start pumping those bad boys out, they're really cool.
I'm working on a project with MrDark which is the most inspiring thing I have worked on well.. forever I think I can safely say. It's one of the only things that really gets my creative juices going lately.
in a way that gets me really excited and my brain wont stop.
There are still so many things I want to do. Things I started, but got lost on the way.
I need to remind myself about my goals and hopes and dreams. Everyday I need to focus on what I love, and what I desire to create. My soul's desire has been neglected and battered and bruised through my travels but it screams to me, from a distance that it needs to be focused on.
I only hope I can rise above my demons to pay it some attention. And then, and only then may something truely, epicly beautiful be created.
And with that, I'm going to pop into chat and say hi.
oh ima beat you!