So I finally got some new ink today on the inside of my forearm. Im totally in love with it!
Problem is I'm a pretty good hypochondriac. So I turn to you folks.
How do you look after your new tattoo? What does your artist tell you to do?
So, here I am back again.
Hoping to get some free time to draw some more beautiful ladies and also looking forward to the sgau ball this year.
I'm in desperate need of some good hangs and down time. WOrk has consumed my life for what seems like.. 4 years non-stop.
Its all a bit full on really. I kind of miss the times of...
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My book is finally finished.. Its been a long long time coming. If I ever needed your support now would be the time. We have invested everything into this book. Thank you for watching and even if you just share or pass this onto someone who you think might like it. That is as good as ordering a copy in my opinion. Thanks SG!
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My SG account also expires on the 15th of August, I want to ask that nobody gift me a return membership, as I need a break.
If you know me, you know how to find me, its not rocket science by any means..
It's been interesting <3
Good luck in your endeavors!

We'll see you when we see you.
- figgy

Agh i want to come see you guys so badd!
Where were driving yesterday talking about how cool it would be to visit you,What we would do while we were there, And how best to annoy other passengers on a 20+ hour flight!