my friend James just got out of jail and him and his girlfriend just came and visited me last night at like 3am. it was so awsesome seeing him, but by 3am i'm so wasted so i didn't get to spend as much time as i wanted to with them. I had to crash out early to go to work today.
Taking bong rips before work shall make things interesting, expecially on top of this wickid hangover i got.
Saw as i lay dying mondy night. it was fucking awesome.
We drank mixed drinks for 3 hours on the way there. goddamn i love being a pirate
one thing that has been bothering me is the lack of love in my life. i have friends and family, but i need a down ass chick to keep me in check. (hbaha that rhymed)
but fuck i hope you guys have a good weekend, i get to work my ass off ALL weekend long.
live love burn die
Taking bong rips before work shall make things interesting, expecially on top of this wickid hangover i got.
Saw as i lay dying mondy night. it was fucking awesome.
We drank mixed drinks for 3 hours on the way there. goddamn i love being a pirate

one thing that has been bothering me is the lack of love in my life. i have friends and family, but i need a down ass chick to keep me in check. (hbaha that rhymed)
but fuck i hope you guys have a good weekend, i get to work my ass off ALL weekend long.
live love burn die