Joined an online games rental thing again. Added a bunch of ace games and a few boring ones to my queue. Obviously, sending me the ones I really want is out of the question. Instead, I get Bullet Witch and the latest FIFA game, UEFA something or other. It's pretty much the same thing as the really great old Playstation ones except slower and prettier and less fun. (Who the fuck wants 1-1 scorelines in a FIFA game?) The commentary is as shit as ever. "Today it's... LIVERPOOL... against... EVERTON... in... ANFIELD." And because it's all next-gen and stuff they've put in loads of brilliant animations to make every action look really smooth and slick while denying you any basic level of control over it. I wish the proper Pro Evo game would hurry up.
In other news, there is no other news.
In other news, there is no other news.
Anyway thats quite enough time spent away from the X Box, got me some Locust that need introducing to an ass kicking.
You dirty bitch.