Our State Fair begins later this week and i have such fond memories of last year...
1. I come back to the parking lot and a 16 or 17 year old girl is drunk and passed out in my passenger side. Silly me for leaving the door unlocked. Not that I wouldn't normally mind something like this to happen, but it was quite annoying trying to wake her up and drag her out of the car before the police drive by. And she was quite young and i don't feel like going to butt fucking prison.
2. I'm walking around and feel these hands grip my shoulders. I turn around and some asian dude who sells massages motions me to sit and enjoy a free one. Ok, im game and enjoy the massage. It ends up being 20 minutes of pure pleasure. He gets done and demands $100! I look at him like he's stoned. I reminded him of it being free. All of a sudden his english no good. He gets mad at me when I walk away and starts yelling for the police.
3. I was looking at the rides and trying to figure out which one i wanted to go on...when, bam. The kid next to me gets hits square in the face. I turn around and here come about 10 african american gangster wannabes putting the smackdown on him. Then his white wannabe gangster friends arrive. Then the police show up. I felt like I was in the middle of a race war. All these people beating the crap out of one another. Yes, hate crimes are alive and well in this town. Just ask my Lesbian friend who fears for her life walking to her car. It makes me sick that the human race still can't get along and get over all this shit.
Why would I still go to the fair if all this happened? Umm...i get some sick pleasure out of seeing what strange stuff will happen while i'm there every year.
1. I come back to the parking lot and a 16 or 17 year old girl is drunk and passed out in my passenger side. Silly me for leaving the door unlocked. Not that I wouldn't normally mind something like this to happen, but it was quite annoying trying to wake her up and drag her out of the car before the police drive by. And she was quite young and i don't feel like going to butt fucking prison.
2. I'm walking around and feel these hands grip my shoulders. I turn around and some asian dude who sells massages motions me to sit and enjoy a free one. Ok, im game and enjoy the massage. It ends up being 20 minutes of pure pleasure. He gets done and demands $100! I look at him like he's stoned. I reminded him of it being free. All of a sudden his english no good. He gets mad at me when I walk away and starts yelling for the police.
3. I was looking at the rides and trying to figure out which one i wanted to go on...when, bam. The kid next to me gets hits square in the face. I turn around and here come about 10 african american gangster wannabes putting the smackdown on him. Then his white wannabe gangster friends arrive. Then the police show up. I felt like I was in the middle of a race war. All these people beating the crap out of one another. Yes, hate crimes are alive and well in this town. Just ask my Lesbian friend who fears for her life walking to her car. It makes me sick that the human race still can't get along and get over all this shit.
Why would I still go to the fair if all this happened? Umm...i get some sick pleasure out of seeing what strange stuff will happen while i'm there every year.
i can't wait for the tent full of 'as seen on TV' products or -my favorite- the flavored milk stand.