Im not going to let you do this.
I know what you've been battling, I know life sucks, I know it doesn't seem fair.
But I want to tell you this.
First all its OK to feel how you're feeling, I get it.
But you gotta know sometimes it takes certian things falling apart for better things to come together.
And i know that seems hard in the middle of storm, but I wonna remind you of this, your life isn't over.
I know your set back was major, but so can be your come back, you know this!
You see strength pain builds that, and right now in this moment I know you're thinking " yeah right".
Its hard for you to feel that, but even in your darkest time there's a plan for you to still shine bright I need you to believe that!
I know its hard when the pain chooses you, I know its hard when you're praying for a breakthrough but nothing seems to come through.
I know it's hard when you're working so hard for your dreams and those dreams seem like they aren't coming true.
I know its hard when the ones you did the most for stop showing up for you.
I know it's hard when you've been battling a silent battle and it seems like you have no one to turn to, I've been there.
But your life is not finished, you gotta keep living, you're just a choice away from something better..give tomorrow a chance.
Your perspective can either be your power or your prison, so no matter what build your testimony with the tests you were given.
Listen I know depression is real , I know suicide is real, I know giving up is REAL, I've been there.
But so is deliverance, you can heal from that affliction,
overcome that addiction, its time to stop trying to put a fullstop where a semi colon should be at the end of your lifes sentence.
There's more to your life than this chapter
There's more to your life than this storm
There's more to your life than this season
Theres more to your life than this pain.
But you will never see the reason why everything you've been through, whats building you if you quit now.
You dont have to be silent about your battles, give your pain a voice, its ok not to be ok, we're all one struggle away, your time is gonna come.
You just keep believing day by day. This storm will eventually run out of rain, and none of us are exempt from pain, we are all a little broken.
But the last time i checked broken crayons still colour the same, your life is not finished. With your permission your new life could just be beginning...
Im proud of you, you are not your mistakes, what you are and who you are is special, dont let anyone make you feel like you're not enough because you are.
It all starts with you, lets get it...... xxxx🌹