As each moment passes in our lives and different circumstances come to pass, there is no way to change the things that have happened or go back to the way things were before.
Knowing this, we must take life for what it is, a series of unpredictable events ultimately out of our control. Sure there are ways to prepare for life, and understandably doing things such as setting goals and making a game plan for your life will take you to new heights, even to places you would of never imagined being. But life is too, very unpredictable.
We never know what the future will hold, and we can't stop random things from happening such as accidents, positive coincidences and other fortunate and unfortunate events that life will throw at you.
We must deal with our lives as they come to us, preparing for the future, with the outlook on life that not everything will go as planned, we must adapt to survive, and thrive. We must also be willing to move on from our past whether good or bad in order to keep up our life's journey towards being happy!