To eat or not to eat. Well, when we say eat we are referring to “Dining at the Y”, “Rug munching”, Muff diving’, “tasting the clam.” You know, performing cunnilingus! Well, until recently the only debate about eating a chick out was whether you like doing it or not, how well you were able to do it, what was the correct technique and if she didn't fall asleep while you were performing it...badly.
The wrinkle in the vagina came up when Michael Douglas. announces that he had throat cancer. Okay, no big deal since he smoke and drank like an old school Hollywood rat packer, however he went out on the national media and said that he contracted his throat cancer (which later turned out to be tongue cancer) on his performing oral sex on his wife. Although, he later denied that that is what caused his illness.
However, there was some truth to his statement. People can contract the HPV virus from performing oral sex and it could prove dangerous. Dr. Marc Siegel, an associate professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center, New York City said, "This is no surprise to anybody who studies infectious diseases." There is a big increase in HPV-related cancers, and one of the main ones, if not the main one, is throat cancer."
Well, it seems on the other hand there are a group of advocates who expound the health virtues of eating vaginal fluids (from a healthy vagina, of course)
Here are some vagina fluid facts…
VF has a bit of an alkaline taste, and it has a scent, not necessarily a bad one.
VF contains a type of “good bacteria” known as the probiotics. The same stuff found in yogurt. TGF contains lactobacillus, a bacterium that grows to regulate vaginal pH, according to the Pharmabiotic Research Institute.
Ona technical note, a healthy vagina has a PH level of 4.5.
Some researchers at the State University of New York have determined that eating a girl’s private organ could save you from fatal diseases such as cancer and heart disease. And other medical experts say that the hormones such as the DHEA Hormones and Oxytocin are being produced during oral sex. These hormones have been deemed to help preventing cancer.
How Much Should You Eat?
It appears that you need to consume vaginal fluid at least 3-5 days a week. In addition to that being one of the prerequisites it is best if you do all of your eating out between the legs of one woman. The theory is that mixing (or ingesting) the physiology of more than one woman doesn’t have the health benefits of “enjoying” a diet of one woman’s VF — “…given how each individual partner will have differing homeostatic values and varying content of secretions across days and weeks.”
The Emotional Benefits
There’s no denying that performing oral sex upon your partner is a very intimate way to express your love and lust for that person. Therefore, it can only benefit both of you emotionally to be engaging in such an act. Feeling loved and being made to feel attractive is one of the greatest ways to stay healthy physically and mentally.