Everyone at some point has felt that no one has their back, that no one cares or loves them. This is simply not true. But, to find more love in your life you first must love yourself, so that other people may be able to love you as well. In most cases, your negative feelings about yourself aren't completely true anyway. In some cases, you just aren't thinking clearly about the people that are in your life. When you have a negative view of yourself you may think that others are thinking badly of you when in all actuality they are not. Find the love for yourself. If you aren't who you want to be, change the things that you don't like. Then, you can blossom into a beautiful flower that everyone wants to pick, take care of, and love. In order to love yourself you have to find yourself first. It may have been years since you actually treated yourself as good as you deserve to be treated. Take this time to focus on you, the rest will come along naturally. HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY ✌🌷
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