This pisses me off.
I posted this after reading it:
The real question is, why does a player need to ask for more money?! I mean really, most of these people make more per season (remember: not even a full year) than most of us will ever see and they have the gall to ask for more? Fuck the NHL and anyone who supports it. It's a waste of money especially when Junior leagues like the AHL and amateur hockey is more fun to watch anyways.
It's bullshit really. Think about how much that 45Million Dollars PER TEAM could do! That's 1,350,000,000 U.S. Dollars. If the world weren't so wrapped up in greed that money could actually do something to better this world. How about the failing American education system? Primary and Secondary schools are overflowing and falling apart at the same time and the NHLPA has the gall to ask for more money. Universities there, even bottom tier ones similar to the U of Manitoba cost three to four times as much to attend as universities here. How about funnelling that money into something productive? Fuck that, if the world had to go without the NHL, where would FOX, NBC, CBS, ABC, and all the other networks get half of thier "news". What would happen to ESPN or that lineup of dedicated NHL channels on satellite? Millions more outside of the NHL would lose an assload of money.. Boo goddamn hoo. I'm by no means a communist but for fuck sakes. That much money is not meant to go to a handful of people.
And people support this. They even cry about how there's no NHL this year. Fuck them. If they need a hockey fix so bad, go support a farm team, go see an AHL game, hell go watch old timers hockey! Support the people who actually deserve your support, don't support a corrupt league that bickers over how many more millions teams can pay thier players. This is fucking ridiculous and the next person to cry about the NHL is going to get punched int he fucking teeth.
This pisses me off.
I posted this after reading it:
The real question is, why does a player need to ask for more money?! I mean really, most of these people make more per season (remember: not even a full year) than most of us will ever see and they have the gall to ask for more? Fuck the NHL and anyone who supports it. It's a waste of money especially when Junior leagues like the AHL and amateur hockey is more fun to watch anyways.
It's bullshit really. Think about how much that 45Million Dollars PER TEAM could do! That's 1,350,000,000 U.S. Dollars. If the world weren't so wrapped up in greed that money could actually do something to better this world. How about the failing American education system? Primary and Secondary schools are overflowing and falling apart at the same time and the NHLPA has the gall to ask for more money. Universities there, even bottom tier ones similar to the U of Manitoba cost three to four times as much to attend as universities here. How about funnelling that money into something productive? Fuck that, if the world had to go without the NHL, where would FOX, NBC, CBS, ABC, and all the other networks get half of thier "news". What would happen to ESPN or that lineup of dedicated NHL channels on satellite? Millions more outside of the NHL would lose an assload of money.. Boo goddamn hoo. I'm by no means a communist but for fuck sakes. That much money is not meant to go to a handful of people.
And people support this. They even cry about how there's no NHL this year. Fuck them. If they need a hockey fix so bad, go support a farm team, go see an AHL game, hell go watch old timers hockey! Support the people who actually deserve your support, don't support a corrupt league that bickers over how many more millions teams can pay thier players. This is fucking ridiculous and the next person to cry about the NHL is going to get punched int he fucking teeth.
$157.93? Pfff... that's nothing!!! 

oh hockey, you are the bane of my existence....