WELL I sat down with my bills and my bank statements today. Things aren't looking too hot.
Overdue Bills and Bills Due January: $368.71
Rent For February: $359
Total on the Negative Side: $727.71
Paycheck for the first half of January: $0
Paycheck for the second half of January: $200 (approx)
Return Check From United Furniture: $320
Current Funds Available (incl cash): $170.80
Total on the Plus Side: $690.80
That leaves me owing $36.91... All of this is before my $8,000 loan debt from my student loan... Why should textbook publishers make tons of cash? Why should I pay more tuition for one term of instruction than I did for the first two terms combined? Why should they be charging youth tens of thousands of dollars to better the goddamned country!?! And to top it all off, I'm not eligible for a government student loan! I was barely able to get a student loan from TD.. but they gave me $8000 and said "Here! Live and go to school for two years!" My tuition this term was $4500... my books are just nudging over $400 USED. Last year was $3500 for tuition and about $1000 for books.. It's ridiculous either way..
So now I'm going to scour the bursary and awards list.. try to find something I'm actually eligible for.. Not to sounds racist and/or sexist but if you at this list you'll see that most of the awards are meant for either women or first nation's people. Of the ones that are available to white men, very few of them actually apply to my program (Information Systems Technology).. There is plenty there but still... I applied for it all before and nothin... I don't expect much this go around either.... My best bet would be to see if I could get my Student Line of Credit extended... either way... I need to get cleaning...
Overdue Bills and Bills Due January: $368.71
Rent For February: $359
Total on the Negative Side: $727.71
Paycheck for the first half of January: $0
Paycheck for the second half of January: $200 (approx)
Return Check From United Furniture: $320
Current Funds Available (incl cash): $170.80
Total on the Plus Side: $690.80
That leaves me owing $36.91... All of this is before my $8,000 loan debt from my student loan... Why should textbook publishers make tons of cash? Why should I pay more tuition for one term of instruction than I did for the first two terms combined? Why should they be charging youth tens of thousands of dollars to better the goddamned country!?! And to top it all off, I'm not eligible for a government student loan! I was barely able to get a student loan from TD.. but they gave me $8000 and said "Here! Live and go to school for two years!" My tuition this term was $4500... my books are just nudging over $400 USED. Last year was $3500 for tuition and about $1000 for books.. It's ridiculous either way..
So now I'm going to scour the bursary and awards list.. try to find something I'm actually eligible for.. Not to sounds racist and/or sexist but if you at this list you'll see that most of the awards are meant for either women or first nation's people. Of the ones that are available to white men, very few of them actually apply to my program (Information Systems Technology).. There is plenty there but still... I applied for it all before and nothin... I don't expect much this go around either.... My best bet would be to see if I could get my Student Line of Credit extended... either way... I need to get cleaning...
That really sucks.. I hope you find something! What about if you joined a team? Like the wrestling team? Almost everyone on my team has a scholarship b/c our coach just gives out scholarships like they're candy.
And that picture was totally adorable!!!