I threw a few of the pics i've taken with the shiny new digi cam online... The pictures of the ring were real twats to get.. I'm slowly gonna add more.. i know i'm not exactly a master photographer but i'm learning
Let me know what you think!

Let me know what you think!
And yes I have a Windows machine, but what the heck I just bought it a couple months ago. Where were you then to tell me to get a Mac?
It's not so bad, I've never used a Mac so I don't really know what I'm missing.
BTW -Like the pics. Digital Cameras are bastards at the best of times.
And by stamina, I really meant kinkyness. But I was drunk that night, and I couldn't think up the right word for it!
Honestly, I'd much prefer a getnlman than a bad boy. Okay, bad boys are fun to fool around with, but when it comes down to it, gentlmen are MUCH much better!
Any guy that rejects me isn't worth my time. I've stopped trying to get boys who don't want me, it onnly leads to heartache.... never mind the conquest thing. Besides, if I need to conquest something, I'd do it in a different way!
And I truely believe that there are people out there who ARE gentlmen, but are also passionate and strong.