Why, in the name of all that is holy, can I sit and stare at Java code for 8 to 10 hours on end or fuck with Linux well into tomorrow or read hundreds of pointless news entries on SlashDot or stare at ThinkGeek swag ad infinitum but NOT read 70 PowerPoint slides that I need to learn for Tuesday's midterms!?!"?!?!?!?! a sdfhahf;aklsdfhj;akldfjje89ry3jdfjzd;lfkahd;f FUCK
I'm pretty sure I need to go run a few miles, get laid, hammered and energetic, not nessesarily in that order, before I can even ATTEMPT to read that BS Object Oriented Analysis & Design asstwatcuntshitgoddamnmotherfuckindickflogging shat! GAH!
I'm pretty sure I need to go run a few miles, get laid, hammered and energetic, not nessesarily in that order, before I can even ATTEMPT to read that BS Object Oriented Analysis & Design asstwatcuntshitgoddamnmotherfuckindickflogging shat! GAH!
I must do this also!
Anywayes, yeah, it will be on my right cheek, and her left