Ok.. I'm a crack addict, or a sucker for spam.. whatever here ya go
I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want, even if it's extremely personal. I DON'T CARE. It's part of the fun. Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.
Gahh I have to clean my brow.. but yea! RANT TIME
There's a good reason I left Domo.. And it just came back to bite me in the ass when I said I'd be a nice guy and work the shifts that the old midniter fucked off for (he apparently left for South Korea a month early..) I was told that I, under no circumstances, would have to work Sunday AM then Sunday Midnite and my manager specifically said, "Don't come in Sunday morning, I'll work it myself if I have to you are NOT working that shift". So What does he do? FUCKING FORGET TO ASK ANYONE. So now he's screwing off to Portage for the weekend to visit his and his new wifes folks and I'm stuck working 8 shitty Domo hours (that's the same as working 10 hours of a crappy job and skipping your lunch break at the same time) then getting 8 hours to do my cash out, get home, sleep, get up, shower, eat, w/e and get back to work by 11pm, 8 hours later. Then I have to work till 7am and go in again 11pm monday, then tuesday and thursday all before shooting myself in the face Friday nite when i go out with my wonderful friend Caris and get absolutely hammered. Then I get to go out and get shitfaced again on Saturday. Hopefully Saturday will involve a visit to the Cannibis fairly though.... FUCK
On the bright side though: I went SKYDIVING today!!! And I'm scared of heights!! It was amazing though!! Once you actually get hanging off the planes strut the fear is all gone because you know that once you stick your head out the door of this little Cessna, the only way you're getting to the ground is via that shoot packed away in a bag smaller than the one used for classes. It's so amazing though.. It takes 20 jumps to get your solo license in Canada, and up till then all the jumps are under $50. So it's pricey off the bat but most people take almost two years to get thier solo lisence and once you have your solo the jumps are like $10 a pop
Gear ain't cheap but you can always use the clubs gear for free, it's not good stuff and you have to have it ready for any new students if the need arises but still. Free.
Ok Anyways... I could rant further but I'm as long winded as... well no one should be this long winded
So, in closing, ask me some freakin questions!
I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want, even if it's extremely personal. I DON'T CARE. It's part of the fun. Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.
Gahh I have to clean my brow.. but yea! RANT TIME
There's a good reason I left Domo.. And it just came back to bite me in the ass when I said I'd be a nice guy and work the shifts that the old midniter fucked off for (he apparently left for South Korea a month early..) I was told that I, under no circumstances, would have to work Sunday AM then Sunday Midnite and my manager specifically said, "Don't come in Sunday morning, I'll work it myself if I have to you are NOT working that shift". So What does he do? FUCKING FORGET TO ASK ANYONE. So now he's screwing off to Portage for the weekend to visit his and his new wifes folks and I'm stuck working 8 shitty Domo hours (that's the same as working 10 hours of a crappy job and skipping your lunch break at the same time) then getting 8 hours to do my cash out, get home, sleep, get up, shower, eat, w/e and get back to work by 11pm, 8 hours later. Then I have to work till 7am and go in again 11pm monday, then tuesday and thursday all before shooting myself in the face Friday nite when i go out with my wonderful friend Caris and get absolutely hammered. Then I get to go out and get shitfaced again on Saturday. Hopefully Saturday will involve a visit to the Cannibis fairly though.... FUCK
On the bright side though: I went SKYDIVING today!!! And I'm scared of heights!! It was amazing though!! Once you actually get hanging off the planes strut the fear is all gone because you know that once you stick your head out the door of this little Cessna, the only way you're getting to the ground is via that shoot packed away in a bag smaller than the one used for classes. It's so amazing though.. It takes 20 jumps to get your solo license in Canada, and up till then all the jumps are under $50. So it's pricey off the bat but most people take almost two years to get thier solo lisence and once you have your solo the jumps are like $10 a pop

Ok Anyways... I could rant further but I'm as long winded as... well no one should be this long winded

1. Fire. Ally? Enemy? Secret lover? and why.
- Ooooh secret lover... yes. lol! Ummm... Ally, b/c it keeps me warm, especially since I have really poor circulation, and am often freezing cold!
2. Would you/have you ever swam during a storm? If yes, skinny dipped in said storm?
- No. I'm scared I'd get electrocuted. But I have skinny-dipped! So that's fun!
3. What is the worst performance you've ever been through/heard of second hand (not like a friend of a friend but, to steal a phrase from my hickish kinsmen, straight from the horses mouth) in bed?
- Hrmmm.. lemme see. Since two of my friends are virgins, and the other one does not talk about her sex life, and I have yet to have an extremly horrible performence.. I don't know.
1.) Are you in Winnipeg alone.. without a family and such? If so, why?
2.) Favourite type of girl
3.) Real or fake. You decide
right sucks.
1 purple or orange?
2 worst sexual experience?
3 cell phones: good or bad?
ask me 3 quesions too, i took away that message, but ask away!