Pardon the geek rant. If you're not a geek skip to the bottom otherwise you run the risk of not understanding what the hell I'm talking about
I was checkin out the main page.. and I stumbled across that news article about Macs vs PC's.. Dear fucking god let it go. The Mac vs PC thing is down to personal taste now. Mac arcitecture is inherently better but PC's are cheaper. PC's are infitintely customizable, Mac's have tighter security. PC's have billions of games, Mac's have the good ones.
Personally, I used to be a true Windows fan but I switched to an iBook a couple years ago and now I will always use Mac's as my system of choice. They simply allow me to do more, more simply. If I need to fire up Terminal I'm presented with a familiar BSD Based Bash prompt! Or I can change it to the Korn shell, or C shell or bourne or whatever I want! My GUI. The OSX gui is obscenely more intuitive than the PC's (except for the Finder.. I wish I could view all of my System Folders in Finder.. ah well) Sure the Mac is more expensive and plays fewer games but for those of us who don't know how to (or refuse to) speak in 1337 sp33k like Ub3RHaX0rs and "omfg rofl w3 pwn3d that fuk1n n00b!!!' gam3rz it works perfectly. People say that Macs are for the "upscale non conformist" in the Volkswagen tradition. They may be true some of the time but for the most part I find that most Mac owners are the ones who summoned up the balls to say "fuck windows, I'm not installing another FUCKING update and i'm NOT reformatting my fucking hard drive every 3 months! I'm selling this lump of shit and buying a mac!!" or they are the professionals. You know, people who use thier systems for work other than word processing and servers (although the XServes make bitchin servers). I'm talking designers, audio pros, video editors, authors. Or else the Mac owner belongs to a third group. A group of people who understand that a computers power is not measured in gigahertz but rather, it's measured by user experience. My old G3 900mhz iBook ran, lets use Warcraft III as the example, about 5 times better than my dad's PC with more ram! Really.. Mac's and PC's both have selling points but when it comes right down to it, you have to use both as home systems for a good 6 months before taking sides. Cause really, would you say "France sucks! And the Eiffel Tower isn't impressive" if you've only ever seen pictures and heard from friends what it was like? NO! You go see it for yourself then call it crap or genius. Anyone who doesn't experience the other things in life has no right to bitch about said other things.
Enough said. Now for a more personal note..
Finals start on Monday. I'm not too scared.. The big ones are being brought down to size with hours upon hours of studying. I'm going to spend all day tomorrow in front of my eMac studying my online course work. I'm gonna try and get my webcam up and running so you can watch! Anyone with AIM/iChat should gimme a shout! buddy name MartiniTheAce If you have iChat I may even give you a private webcam viewing! haha get your minds outta the gutter, I may be easy but I'm only sorta that easy.
Anyways, back to work! Hope to talk to you people soon!

I was checkin out the main page.. and I stumbled across that news article about Macs vs PC's.. Dear fucking god let it go. The Mac vs PC thing is down to personal taste now. Mac arcitecture is inherently better but PC's are cheaper. PC's are infitintely customizable, Mac's have tighter security. PC's have billions of games, Mac's have the good ones.
Personally, I used to be a true Windows fan but I switched to an iBook a couple years ago and now I will always use Mac's as my system of choice. They simply allow me to do more, more simply. If I need to fire up Terminal I'm presented with a familiar BSD Based Bash prompt! Or I can change it to the Korn shell, or C shell or bourne or whatever I want! My GUI. The OSX gui is obscenely more intuitive than the PC's (except for the Finder.. I wish I could view all of my System Folders in Finder.. ah well) Sure the Mac is more expensive and plays fewer games but for those of us who don't know how to (or refuse to) speak in 1337 sp33k like Ub3RHaX0rs and "omfg rofl w3 pwn3d that fuk1n n00b!!!' gam3rz it works perfectly. People say that Macs are for the "upscale non conformist" in the Volkswagen tradition. They may be true some of the time but for the most part I find that most Mac owners are the ones who summoned up the balls to say "fuck windows, I'm not installing another FUCKING update and i'm NOT reformatting my fucking hard drive every 3 months! I'm selling this lump of shit and buying a mac!!" or they are the professionals. You know, people who use thier systems for work other than word processing and servers (although the XServes make bitchin servers). I'm talking designers, audio pros, video editors, authors. Or else the Mac owner belongs to a third group. A group of people who understand that a computers power is not measured in gigahertz but rather, it's measured by user experience. My old G3 900mhz iBook ran, lets use Warcraft III as the example, about 5 times better than my dad's PC with more ram! Really.. Mac's and PC's both have selling points but when it comes right down to it, you have to use both as home systems for a good 6 months before taking sides. Cause really, would you say "France sucks! And the Eiffel Tower isn't impressive" if you've only ever seen pictures and heard from friends what it was like? NO! You go see it for yourself then call it crap or genius. Anyone who doesn't experience the other things in life has no right to bitch about said other things.
Enough said. Now for a more personal note..
Finals start on Monday. I'm not too scared.. The big ones are being brought down to size with hours upon hours of studying. I'm going to spend all day tomorrow in front of my eMac studying my online course work. I'm gonna try and get my webcam up and running so you can watch! Anyone with AIM/iChat should gimme a shout! buddy name MartiniTheAce If you have iChat I may even give you a private webcam viewing! haha get your minds outta the gutter, I may be easy but I'm only sorta that easy.

Anyways, back to work! Hope to talk to you people soon!
Hahaha... you think like I do. The thing is, I would do SG if I knew 100% without a doubt, that none of the administrators would find out.
I'm always up for being naked. Just not in Winipeg... it's just not cool enough for me!!