that wonderful time waiting for vicodin to kick in... ugh
going under the knife in the morning... i'm starving and craving a smoke....
Well, i think its time... I think i need to get back out on the dating scene... its been so long not sure where to start. do women see a 33 year old single dude as having problems? are there any available women out there in my age group? pretty scary now that i think about it.
Everyone is out having a grand ol' time tonight. and i'm here just sitting watching movies in my undies...
muy triste horita...skull
Happy Fourth of July everyone! Remember what we are celebrating, the fact that a bunch of middle age white guys in wigs didn't want to pay their taxes! woooo
one doctors appointment done. I have partial hearing loss in my left ear. prolly gonna have to wear a hearing aid when i'm older... yipee!!! now just my Veterans Disability physical and my surgical consult next week...
Ugh. Good luck!
well, as of this Wednesday, i'm officially alone in the state of california. my family is moving out of state. i'm not really sure how i'm taking this. I dont have many friends, i dont have a woman now i wont have a family. i... dont... know... and with the luck i've been having these past few weeks, wow...
*hug* I'm so sorry love.
Dude, you have me.......Even though I'm pretty lame. CALL ME!
off to the hospital again!!! oh yeah sorry i havent been on for a while. you know stuff and things in real life have reared their ugly head
OMG. You take care.
went out last night and did some dancing... man my feet hurt.... laundry day today and gonna shine up my boots and get my hat ready cause i'm back out there slappin' leather again tonight.
OOOOONNNNNNNEEEEE is the lonliest number you have ever seeeeeen! Twoooo can be as bad as one, its the lonliest number since the number one.

thats how i'm feeling today. how are you?
i have an unnatural love for pot pies... nom nom nom
Did he have spinal fusion? It's so painful. I cannot wait to start getting better.
No, they had to put a "fake disc" in at least thats what i understood.