so, like i said previously it seems that cancer is a mother-fucking bitch. he has decided to return to one of my favouritest people in the entire world and we want him out!
however, in order to kick his ass and get him gone for good my frankentitty (nickname from previous bout with cancer during which she lost her boobie and the doctors made her a new one) needs a little bit of help...
i have set up a pay-pal donation account and it would mean the world to me if you could donate anything you can to help her out with her medical bills and stuff.
think of it as your good deed of the day if you need an excuse.
i made a button but sg wont let me post forms. *shakes fist*
therefore, donations can be made thusly:
1) click on this link.
2) click on the "send money" tab.
3) type: in the "to" field.
4) fill out the donation amount, your info and *BAM* you're done.
if you leave a note at that email address with your mailing address i will try and send you something as a thank you... i'm thinking some limited edition prints or something.
also, if you can't afford to donate anything please feel free to send a little note to her via that email address. i'll forward them all to her... she could use as much love as possible right now.
anyway, thanks bunches!
however, in order to kick his ass and get him gone for good my frankentitty (nickname from previous bout with cancer during which she lost her boobie and the doctors made her a new one) needs a little bit of help...
i have set up a pay-pal donation account and it would mean the world to me if you could donate anything you can to help her out with her medical bills and stuff.
think of it as your good deed of the day if you need an excuse.
i made a button but sg wont let me post forms. *shakes fist*
therefore, donations can be made thusly:
1) click on this link.
2) click on the "send money" tab.
3) type: in the "to" field.
4) fill out the donation amount, your info and *BAM* you're done.
if you leave a note at that email address with your mailing address i will try and send you something as a thank you... i'm thinking some limited edition prints or something.
also, if you can't afford to donate anything please feel free to send a little note to her via that email address. i'll forward them all to her... she could use as much love as possible right now.

anyway, thanks bunches!
sent a little something... god I hope she beats it again! fucking cancer!
I'll definitely be sending some money. You're a great friend for doing this for her!