Life is still stuck in the middle, lots of stuff coming up, but nothing happening at the moment. I really need another job and had a pretty good job interview at a cultural organisation where I have the office space for my own company. The outcome was more or less that I could pick up on an old project, and write the funds-application for it. If it gets accepted, I have a job propably... But until then it's just (even more) volunteer work...
I could really deal withmore of a challenge at the moment! So decided to go write yet another plan for organising a series of parties @ waterfront or paard... YES, my life is made out of 50% stupid questions about computers, and 50% scheming plans for the future
Planning on moving to Den Haag again... I miss living in a group and having loads of friends arround Reacting to a bunch of social housing-houses. Hope it works out!
So, anybody got a good idea for a nice halloween costume?
So, any hot laydiez in the Den Haag Delft area want to date???
Is het nog laat geworden en hoe ben je naar huis gegaan? Tot snel weer!