Where I live we dont usually get famous artist performing ( Islands off the coast of spain get overlooked by the music world). So if you ever want to see your idol ( especially if they arent mainstream ) you have to travel to the mainland or to other countries..... A couple of months ago I found out there is to be a small festival near my house and none other than Crystal Fighters! I was on cloud 9, I could barely believe it! Unfortunately I'm pretty broke these days so I couldnt get a ticket, I was pretty down about it.. And thats when I found out a friend of mine had been given 3 tickets and that one of them was for me, and just like that I was happy again . I have never seen any of my favourite artists perform either because it was too far to travel or because tickets were too expensive, and there I was, my first time going to a festival and my first time seeing one of my favourite bands perform.
Today I found out that Crystal Fighters arent going to be attending any more..... I was so pissed, literaly spitting hate at everyone, until I found that the reason for there absense was the passing of Andrea Marongui, the drummer of the band.... These are the things that leave us speechless, that hurt us.
R.I.P Andrea , we hope you are in a much better place.
Donde yo vivo, no suelen llegar grandes artistas a hacer conciertos, asi que si quieres ver a tu idolo (sobretodo si no son muy conocidos) tienes que viajar fuera... Pero hace unos meses me entere que hacian un pequeño festival al lado de mi casa, donde uno de los asistentes er Crystal Fighters! Que ilusion, no me lo podia creer! Desgraciadamiente ando escasa de dindero, asi que no me pude comprar la entrada, que fastidio; pero justamente, a una amiga le regalaron 3 entradas, una de ella para mi, otra vez feliz :). Nunca he podido ir a ningun concierto de mis idolos por estar muy lejos o porque la entrada era muy cara, asi que imaginaros: me estrenaba de festival y de concierto bueno.
Hace unas horas me he enterado de que mi grupo favorito no asistia... Me ha dado muchisima rabia, y maldecia a todos, hasta que me han dicho que la causa ha sido la muerte de Andrea Marongiu, el bateria... Son estas las cosas que nos dejan sin habla y que nos duelen.
D.E.P Andrea, esperemos que estes en un lugar mejor