baltimore is a dirty city. the only place with things to do is by the docks with the hordes of tourists, so i spent most of my time out wandering around little italy. they're crazy about crabs there. in fact they have statues of them everywhere, such as these:
outside the major newspaper of baltimore, whatever it's called
it's seasoned, hehe
that crab that moved to hollywood and became famous
my favorite; it's a TAXI CRAB!
most of baltimore looks like crap, but little italy is full of quaint little old houses. that's the only place i'd even consider living in that city.

outside the major newspaper of baltimore, whatever it's called

it's seasoned, hehe

that crab that moved to hollywood and became famous

my favorite; it's a TAXI CRAB!
most of baltimore looks like crap, but little italy is full of quaint little old houses. that's the only place i'd even consider living in that city.
and thanks for liking my set!
I like the solstice preasants idea. Today I got some spicy things for my dad from the holiday market - indoor saturday market with all local vendors who actually made what their selling. I love buying things from PEOPLE, not companies, oi