I can't stop fucking shaking goddamnit!
Anyway, how i spent valentine's day:
9 am my dad says, "do you want to help me with my grandpa's grave? It will only take 3 hours." So i agreed. Two other people came with us: my dad's friend who he used to work with, and his wife, who is the sister of my parents' neighbor from a long time ago (yes, i come from a small, somewhat imbred community). The following is an example of what she is like: her brother has problems with his back, and a few years ago, he had some major surgery on it. He was in so much pain, he couldn't do anything. This was also after he divorced his wife for the third time, so there was no one to take care of him. His sister offered to cook for him, but she was going to charge him every time she cooked. Is that fucked or what? We get there around 10 and they proceed to start drinking, because 10 is the perfect time to start. My dad and his friend did all the work themselves, so i don't know why he asked me to come along. By 11 she was drunk, and she turned out to be the most fucking annoying person i have ever met. She was constantly asking me questions, but i knew she didn't really care about what my answer was because she repeated so many questions after i had already answered her. Example:
What do you like to do when you're home?
go hiking
do you look for things when you go hiking?
i guess
have you ever found anything interesting?
not really
if you were home right now, what would you be doing?
do you look for things when you go hiking?
i guess
have you ever found anything interesting?
not really
By 3.30 they were finally done, and instead of leaving so we wouldn't have to listen to her stupid ass comments and questions, my dad waited around for another 30 minutes to drink beer, so he could get nice and buzzed for the drive home. I wanted to hit myself in the head until i blacked out so i wouldn't have to listen to her. So 6 hours after we got there, we finally leave, and the only time i didn't have to listen to her was when i wandered off and looked at headstones. I tried that again later, but she followed me. Looking at the graves got me thinking about death (imagine that). I don't understand why someone would want to be buried when they die. Do people get pleasure out of knowing someday when they die, there will be a place that will forever be theirs, even though they wouldn't get to enjoy it BECAUSE THEY'RE DEAD? Or do they want people they never knew to see their name and grieve for their deaths, even though grieving for someone you don't know anything about other than a name is completely insincere? When i die, i want my good parts to get recycled and the leftovers fed to the animals (tastes like human). She also was talking about how she doesn't celebrate halloween because it's satan's holiday. If it really were satan's holiday, it would become my favorite, but it's not, so may day is still my number 1. She gave me such a headache, i just want to be in my apartment right now with someone special and nothing important to do.
And one last thing that has annoyed me since high school: when most people find out i'm studying civil engineering, their first response has to do with money. I really don't like my future to be degraded like that. I'm studying it so i can do something i enjoy while serving the public and protecting the environment, so fuck off you dirty capitalists.
I used many colons in this post, so i therefore name this the colon entry. Happy V-Day-in-the-Cemetary day
Anyway, how i spent valentine's day:
9 am my dad says, "do you want to help me with my grandpa's grave? It will only take 3 hours." So i agreed. Two other people came with us: my dad's friend who he used to work with, and his wife, who is the sister of my parents' neighbor from a long time ago (yes, i come from a small, somewhat imbred community). The following is an example of what she is like: her brother has problems with his back, and a few years ago, he had some major surgery on it. He was in so much pain, he couldn't do anything. This was also after he divorced his wife for the third time, so there was no one to take care of him. His sister offered to cook for him, but she was going to charge him every time she cooked. Is that fucked or what? We get there around 10 and they proceed to start drinking, because 10 is the perfect time to start. My dad and his friend did all the work themselves, so i don't know why he asked me to come along. By 11 she was drunk, and she turned out to be the most fucking annoying person i have ever met. She was constantly asking me questions, but i knew she didn't really care about what my answer was because she repeated so many questions after i had already answered her. Example:
What do you like to do when you're home?
go hiking
do you look for things when you go hiking?
i guess
have you ever found anything interesting?
not really
if you were home right now, what would you be doing?
do you look for things when you go hiking?
i guess
have you ever found anything interesting?
not really
By 3.30 they were finally done, and instead of leaving so we wouldn't have to listen to her stupid ass comments and questions, my dad waited around for another 30 minutes to drink beer, so he could get nice and buzzed for the drive home. I wanted to hit myself in the head until i blacked out so i wouldn't have to listen to her. So 6 hours after we got there, we finally leave, and the only time i didn't have to listen to her was when i wandered off and looked at headstones. I tried that again later, but she followed me. Looking at the graves got me thinking about death (imagine that). I don't understand why someone would want to be buried when they die. Do people get pleasure out of knowing someday when they die, there will be a place that will forever be theirs, even though they wouldn't get to enjoy it BECAUSE THEY'RE DEAD? Or do they want people they never knew to see their name and grieve for their deaths, even though grieving for someone you don't know anything about other than a name is completely insincere? When i die, i want my good parts to get recycled and the leftovers fed to the animals (tastes like human). She also was talking about how she doesn't celebrate halloween because it's satan's holiday. If it really were satan's holiday, it would become my favorite, but it's not, so may day is still my number 1. She gave me such a headache, i just want to be in my apartment right now with someone special and nothing important to do.
And one last thing that has annoyed me since high school: when most people find out i'm studying civil engineering, their first response has to do with money. I really don't like my future to be degraded like that. I'm studying it so i can do something i enjoy while serving the public and protecting the environment, so fuck off you dirty capitalists.
I used many colons in this post, so i therefore name this the colon entry. Happy V-Day-in-the-Cemetary day

Burials a religious thing. I'm all about cremation.