Feeling Blah...been up since 0430 again...being pregnant is gonna kill me! Seriously...I used to be able to sleep for 10 hrs without batting and eyelash...now even with Benadryl I can't get more than 6 hours at a time..and that is the max. Last time I felt so good from start to finish...I wonder if this means I am having a girl this time??? We shall see on November 23 what it is... Hunter is excited to be a big brother...Ben I think it scared out of his mind to have an infant in the house..he has only ever dealt with a toddler. Still having as much sex as we can before the baby gets here.... twice a day seems inadequate to make up for 6 weeks without it post baby
WOW! Twice a day..your man is one lucky guy!!
I'm one lucky girl!!