Bah...another Sunday night...normally, I'm less than excited on Sunday nights but I'm looking forward to my up-coming vacation. Well, vacation isn't really the word....I'm going to visit some friends in St. Simon's Island GA for Mem. Day weekend. I'm pretty geeked...leaving early Thursday and coming back on Monday. I'm going to sit on the beach, get some sun, eat a lot of sea food, and drink a lot of beer for 4 days. And I'm finally going to be able to see Savannah, which is a place I've wanted to go for some time.
So right now, I'm taking a break from making a mix CD for everyone down there. Speaking of mix CDs, someone gave me a guideline for making a good mix CD. It goes:
1. Favorite song from the '80's
2. Favorite song with a color (other than blue) in the title
3. Favorite song with a city, state, or country in the title
4. A song that reminds you of your best friend
5. The song that you listen to when you're depressed
6. Favorite song with a one word title
7. Favorite song by a band with the word "The" in their name
8. A song you like that your parents exposed you to
9. Favorite "One Hit Wonder" song
10. A song with a fruit in the title
11. A song with a question word in the title (who, what, when, where, why, or how)
12. Favorite cartoon theme song
13. A song about a sport or sports team
14. The song you would use to introduce someone to your favorite band (not neccessarily their best song)
15. A song about a break-up or ending of a relationship
16. A song about drinking or drugs (either for or against)
17. An instrumental song (doesn't have to be classical)
18. Favorite song to drive to (sorry to those without a license)
19. A song you'd hate to get stuck in your head all day
20. wildcard - your choice
Give it a shot. You'll get good results.
So right now, I'm taking a break from making a mix CD for everyone down there. Speaking of mix CDs, someone gave me a guideline for making a good mix CD. It goes:
1. Favorite song from the '80's
2. Favorite song with a color (other than blue) in the title
3. Favorite song with a city, state, or country in the title
4. A song that reminds you of your best friend
5. The song that you listen to when you're depressed
6. Favorite song with a one word title
7. Favorite song by a band with the word "The" in their name
8. A song you like that your parents exposed you to
9. Favorite "One Hit Wonder" song
10. A song with a fruit in the title
11. A song with a question word in the title (who, what, when, where, why, or how)
12. Favorite cartoon theme song
13. A song about a sport or sports team
14. The song you would use to introduce someone to your favorite band (not neccessarily their best song)
15. A song about a break-up or ending of a relationship
16. A song about drinking or drugs (either for or against)
17. An instrumental song (doesn't have to be classical)
18. Favorite song to drive to (sorry to those without a license)
19. A song you'd hate to get stuck in your head all day
20. wildcard - your choice
Give it a shot. You'll get good results.

i'm sure it isn't that bad. although maybe.

they did open a new library... it's suposed to be all glass and fancy, but i haven't gone to see yet.