I've always liked Spiderman. He's been my favorite comic book character since I was little kid, but I never knew he could dance so well.
I'm getting sick of this shitbox city. I'm coming on my two year itch. For most it's seven year itch but mine are usually two. Everywhere I've lived I stayed for two years and then moved on. But right now I can't afford to move anywhere and it's killing me. Perhaps that's my fatal flaw: addiction to novelty.
I been thinking about what it would be like to live in Georgia...in Savannah right on the Atlantic. Or Seattle. I have some friends there. Or San Diego. A coast. Landlocked is no fun.
I'm getting sick of this shitbox city. I'm coming on my two year itch. For most it's seven year itch but mine are usually two. Everywhere I've lived I stayed for two years and then moved on. But right now I can't afford to move anywhere and it's killing me. Perhaps that's my fatal flaw: addiction to novelty.
I been thinking about what it would be like to live in Georgia...in Savannah right on the Atlantic. Or Seattle. I have some friends there. Or San Diego. A coast. Landlocked is no fun.

He is one of the 5 most agile characters in the marvel universe! Maybe the beast or nightcrawler could out dance him.......