... I am like the wind
and she was, torn between herself. Rushing to death as she ignored all that she knew. March onward good solider, clad in red. We do not see you doubting. We do not see the tears you are holding back. We can not see that blood against the rest. ..March onward.
damn I love that movie. It was tha' shizzle.
So I took that sweet sin in again.. when I told myself I'd stop. over and over again.. I hope the cycle is not starting, but somehow I doubt it. It doesn't matter anyway, because it's Heidi alone in her room time. I like it at that point. It's whenever I have to be around the others that I don't.
I've been so odd lately.
What was the phrase? Oh yes, I remember now. I do believe it was a symphony of crickets. Home from school, yes I think I will.. thank you. but the symphonie only crashes in an avalance of words falling from your mouth. no individual causing the cascade, but all at once overwhelming. Better than underwhelming I guess. I guess. Sometimes I do, but more often than not you have the benefit of the doubt. I only see the natural disaster in blowing by. It's not that I haven't enough time to stop. In contrast, I have all the time in the world, but I wonder if I i know that. It's all ok though. I have been given confirmation that I am Peter Parker (by one of my myspace friends). It's sucks that he figured it out. Now he's going to have to be "taken care of". I wonder what batman would have done. I don't think it would be below him. Off to the hw and the sleep. The coffee has to go home now, maybe she'll come again tommorrow. Maybe not. I don't think I'm worried about it either way. My magic eight ball told me to try again later... but I think I'll move on to a game of candyland. My attention can only be stretched so thin... and I need to get the paper. Why people lurve the paper so much is beyond me, but you need it to prove that you are "smart". It doesn't mean that. On the contrary, it means that you follow orders. It's a military for those who think that they are too smart to join the military. Instead of doing the physical fighting for the country... most of you will grow up to do the mental dirty dealings. Fighters for truth, justice, the american way, and the hidden kamakazes of capitalism. Have fun troops. March off to die a more painful mental death sitting at your desks writing propaganda letters and advertisements for you social constructs. Me, you ask? I was drafted. I guess I could get a discharge, but would it be honorable? I'll keep on,... but I refuse to be on the front. All quiet? Maybe on this frequency. Speaking of frequencies, I think I've found one that works. Here I thought that I was the only surviver with this type of radio, but I was wrong. Establishing a language? 10-4 over and out.
Keepin' it "real".
oh , and coffee is not good for Marlowe
Keep that running