9:27, press return
Once, when I was younger than I am now, I went out drinking the night before a test. A friend and I had massive tickets to go see mastodon, but we sold them since we both had to be up early and neither of us was really in the mood for a crowd of people. This money, you see, funded our drinking.... so we drink, drank, .... well, you get the idea. I went to sleep by 2.
This next morning I awoke bright and early, but not quite so eager for the project and test I had to start preparing for that day.
8:00 am - press snooze
8:30 am - press enter on the microwave
8:55 am - press on the brakes of my car
9:11 am - press dial on my phone [while I'm standing at a bus stop]
9:14 am - press on my brakes again as I head back home
9:27 am - press the ugamail button
9:31 am - press some keys and press return.
Why did I wake up?
Also, pi reference: love it.