As much as I love passionate people, there will always be a corner of my heart that withdraws a wee bit more each time I see a pasionate person with their perception of the world misplaced in a big way. This is not to say that their view is not as valid or that there is only one perception of this big ball of energy in space, but rather that hostilities should stay placed against the things that chain you down... not the people you are trying to "convince". I guess I'm just a little perturbed at folks who want to rant at me. It's not the rant that urks me. Most of the time they have a very valid point that I agree with. It's the fact that I've always agreed with it. There are no revolutionary ideas, no new concepts to ponder, and no actions to accompany their words on this little dinner date. They rant about all the things you bitched as a 15 yr-old angsty teen or things that you've thought about before and agree with. For some odd reason though they always feel as if their idea of reiterating something a million times over is going to change something and that they are "reaching" the dull, unenlightened fools. WE've heard it before. We know, but nice try and thanks for thinking you've helped. We've heard your rants from 50 billion different muses with multiple faces and balloons to make it all go down with a smile. Stop bitching and either do something about it, or god damn try to do something. You're not raising awareness by bitching to people who already know.
On a side note, did teenage angst really pay off well if all you got was a whore of a wife and a bullet to the brain?
Focus people, come on now.
My second pointless rant:
Fuck "das ich". More importantly, those who sit here and argue against the morals and customs of America, pretend that they don't understand them, and try to show that they aren't like that through their actions, but in reality are really just trying to convince themselves. Self-centered behavior is the root of American culture. No matter what else you try to do, try to connect to other people. Stop being so pretentious and just be.
last, and probably least:
I am finally deteriorating the walls and barriers associated with my preoccupation with the tangible world and connecting to whatever it is that I've been trying to connect to these past 10 years. I haven't exactly been harnessing whatever energy comes with surrender, but I'm hoping that it'll go the direction it needs to with a little guidance, and push, maybe a bludgeon or two.... you know, the usual.
In the great tradition, this chapter of my life is coming to an end and in writing it down I can final resign it to the past. I can help it transcend and become a lesson, a storybook of sorts. .. I'm seeing new things for the first time in a long time... and part of my brain that has been dormant for the past few years is finally starting to come out of hibernation to help me. Which is good, because a great deal of my brain just went on hiatus.
and so what if all my friends are going to move away. At least for the first time in my life I know what it is to be a friend...and that has made my soul more complete.
Blessed be, or whatever you want to say. It all has the same meaning.
On a side note, did teenage angst really pay off well if all you got was a whore of a wife and a bullet to the brain?
Focus people, come on now.
My second pointless rant:
Fuck "das ich". More importantly, those who sit here and argue against the morals and customs of America, pretend that they don't understand them, and try to show that they aren't like that through their actions, but in reality are really just trying to convince themselves. Self-centered behavior is the root of American culture. No matter what else you try to do, try to connect to other people. Stop being so pretentious and just be.
last, and probably least:
I am finally deteriorating the walls and barriers associated with my preoccupation with the tangible world and connecting to whatever it is that I've been trying to connect to these past 10 years. I haven't exactly been harnessing whatever energy comes with surrender, but I'm hoping that it'll go the direction it needs to with a little guidance, and push, maybe a bludgeon or two.... you know, the usual.
In the great tradition, this chapter of my life is coming to an end and in writing it down I can final resign it to the past. I can help it transcend and become a lesson, a storybook of sorts. .. I'm seeing new things for the first time in a long time... and part of my brain that has been dormant for the past few years is finally starting to come out of hibernation to help me. Which is good, because a great deal of my brain just went on hiatus.
and so what if all my friends are going to move away. At least for the first time in my life I know what it is to be a friend...and that has made my soul more complete.
Blessed be, or whatever you want to say. It all has the same meaning.
you think you've heard it all at 21?
When the rhetoric people give is always the same, I think I've heard it all at 19.
I agree with much of what you said Marlowe, not all of it though. I agree with what you said on a "self-centered" America, but that's not just our country, that's almost everyone in the world, it's more prominent here, perhaps, because in America we exonerate and value the individual and indiviualism over teamwork.
But that comes hand in hand with true personal freedom.
As for your third, more personal anticdote, it sounds a lot like an experience I went through not too long ago. I find it interesting, looking back, the subtle things that can completely change your life.
Now, as for what you said about passionate people, I'm a firm believe that there is "one" right way, and many "wrong" ways to do things. Same for believing something, someone's going to be right, the others will be wrong.
However, I don't think it's for me to decide exactly WHO is wrong and how, and it's not my place to judge, even when, deep down...I know I've been right all along.