It's raining again!!! More dampness means more frogs!!! EEK!!

I guess my hard work hasn't been going unnoticed! Just when I think about looking around for a new job something happens to make me stick it out a little longer and see what happens! We are in the process of converting computer systems so things have been hectic right now but hopefully if all goes the way it's supposed to, I'll be a happier employee soon!!!

I got my hair highlighted! It's alot lighter than usual. What do you think???

Still waiting on the set. It normally takes about three months to get queued, so I've got about a month to go until reaching average time. But you never know. Some girls wait forever.
To be totally honest, I'm kind of relieved it's taking so long. I like being able to tell people that I'm on SG and having the safe buffer of no actual pictures for them to check. If they could find my name on the drop-down list it would be a lot less fun.