My birthday is in July and I'm determined to lose 20 lbs so that I can feel good about my body when I turn 30. I keep hearing about how horrid it is and that most women cry on their bday but I really don't feel freaked out about it.
When I was in China these young women at the office (they were 25) couldn't believe I had children and they thought I was 23!!!! I was sooooooo happy. Then my boss told me not to believe everything I hear.
Fucker! I was enjoying the moment! I don't care if they were just being nice... it made my day!
Did you get birthday spankin's from the man??
My birthday is in July and I'm determined to lose 20 lbs so that I can feel good about my body when I turn 30. I keep hearing about how horrid it is and that most women cry on their bday but I really don't feel freaked out about it.
When I was in China these young women at the office (they were 25) couldn't believe I had children and they thought I was 23!!!! I was sooooooo happy. Then my boss told me not to believe everything I hear.
Fucker! I was enjoying the moment! I don't care if they were just being nice... it made my day!
Happy (belated) Birthday!!!!
mmm... happy birthday!
late but ok anyway