A group of friends got together Friday night for a few rounds of LCR. We started out playing with quarters and by the end of the night we were playing with $5 bills! I came really close to winning the jackpot but no luck!
I spent Saturday doing work around the house, particularly outside! It was beautiful outside! Now I just need someone to come over and chop down a big branch from the tree out front...it's bugging the shit out of me! I would have done it myself but I can just see myself falling off the ladder or cutting my hand off! I better wait!
It's been raining off and on all day today. I spent the afternoon studying for a test and now I'm gonna go rent a movie or something. I'm bored!!!
Have a good week!

I spent Saturday doing work around the house, particularly outside! It was beautiful outside! Now I just need someone to come over and chop down a big branch from the tree out front...it's bugging the shit out of me! I would have done it myself but I can just see myself falling off the ladder or cutting my hand off! I better wait!

It's been raining off and on all day today. I spent the afternoon studying for a test and now I'm gonna go rent a movie or something. I'm bored!!!

Have a good week!

I'm working on the pics!

i'm glad i'm feeling better!! i blew off sunday & monday night drinking so i could make it to last night's show, and i'm so glad i did.. i had an amazing time.. now i need to go work out & study!