I just had me a heart atack - not a real one, but one of those where you think, "Oh my God!" - yeah... one of those. It's kind of depressing too, I spend my whole frickin' life watching where I put my step, and, just because of my gender, I spend the rest of it wondering if maybe I didn't step carefully enough. It's like, where is the end of the paranoid "was it me?" stream of consciousness? Am I neurotic just because I fear I might one day grow into my manliness and start being the thing I fear most, or am I just being considerate. Sometimes I think I should change my screen name to fragile... it describes my psyche all to well...
More Blogs
Tuesday Jan 02, 2007
It's Tuesday, And the sun always shines on Tuesday, The rain never … -
Wednesday Jul 26, 2006
You know, sometimes I wonder how lame I sound. I mean, I'm posting t… -
Tuesday Jul 18, 2006
Well now, how long have I been gone? I guess it's been two and a hal… -
Wednesday Jan 28, 2004
Well, this is it for me - last day on the site. Hope no one misses m… -
Sunday Jan 18, 2004
Gaah! So long since my last update - hell, so long since I was last … -
Tuesday Dec 23, 2003
So... here we are, closing another year in the life of (insert name h… -
Saturday Dec 13, 2003
I'm not feeling whole. My head is spining, I misspell words cause i… -
Thursday Dec 04, 2003
I'm watching the dust blow in the wind - Golden flakes of sand and d… -
Wednesday Dec 03, 2003
I just had me a heart atack - not a real one, but one of those where … -
Saturday Nov 29, 2003
Sometimes the sea is rising, Slopping up over the sand, Then the si…