Well here we are, another day in lala land, another working Saturday for me, but no sad faces, the money is just too good! I don't know what to do but button up my shirt and run a tie down between my nipple rings, shrug on the slacks and jacket and hop the MTA down the road and get to work. I keep thinking that I will save up my journal entry for some deep and abiding thoughts that will enlighten the world, but, truth be told, I don't think the Budha is with me today, I better just aim for trite, possibly amusing, and mostly truthful. Boy, it's strange, but on days like this I feel like I'm too old for cool, too young for mid-life crisis, and too apathetic to care. But... then it turns out the last one isn't true. I'm not sure 28 is old enough to worry about shit like this, but then again, just being 28 has bought me no peace of mind. So here is a smiley that suits how I feel
- three eyes, two nipple rings, an accountants job and uniform, and no clue about what it all means
. So, from the shades of 6:00am - good hunting all.