It's Tuesday,
And the sun always shines on Tuesday,
The rain never stings,
The kisses taste like honey,
The beer flows like water,
And the moon's always full.

It's Tuesday,
And it's never been so dark,
The sun's a lurking,
The clouds are rolling,
The days too short,
The night's wont end,
And I can't hear my voice any more.

It's Tuesday,
And I'm deaf.
thanks for your sweet comment! much appreciated!
You know, sometimes I wonder how lame I sound. I mean, I'm posting this mostly because I want to air thoughts and ideas. Not to anyone in specific, but just in general. Maybe I'd be better off taking those thoughts out to the forest and chatting with a tree. Probably, I don't really know the answers. But then again, the thoughts get born here, why...
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Well now, how long have I been gone? I guess it's been two and a half years, but it sure feels like more. At first I was a little unsure of what to say in this new phase of my membership, but then I thought I could say anything. I mean, being on this site, reading the blogs, seeing the faces of the people who...
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Well, this is it for me - last day on the site. Hope no one misses me. I'll miss all of you, and, who knows I may come back some day... the way things are going probably. So... much love to any and all who read this. Hope you all have fun!
Awwww! See ya around, hope you come back someday!
Gaah! So long since my last update - hell, so long since I was last on. Things suck right now - not at work (I'm here on Sunday and it doesn't suck???? eeek But home is like at the worst it's ever been. I'm so confused about everything - and I just don't know why I think you care - prolly this is more an exercise...
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Yeah, it sucks to be at work on a sunday. In fact, it sucks to be at work just about every day of the week.
So... here we are, closing another year in the life of (insert name here) and what a year it has been. I may be a lil premature, but I'm just rooting for the end of 2003. I'm feeling some holiday blues right now... hope I don't bring anyone down. Wish I had more time and more space to write junk in here but I'm at...
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I read the comment you posted in tryst's journal and I had to drop you a line to tell you that your words were perfect!
cool profile pic.
I'm not feeling whole.
My head is spining,
I misspell words cause its hard
to type with clenched fists.
I'm driving my head with my foot
all the way to the floor
Track of which trick I'm trying next.
I'm screaming in alleys
Where the only acknowledgement is
one fat plummer screaming back
and throwing an old shoe,
Just as impotent...
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hahah photo copy the poems for you dad, give em to your mom too smile yahaha actually, moms love pictures.. get a double frame, put a picture of you in one side.. and in the other use calligraphy and write a poem.. haha smile
there are so many pink comments! tongue
I'm watching the dust blow in the wind -
Golden flakes of sand and dirt, swirling in my mind,
Making me spin with them.
Which way do I turn? Which choices?
As the wind pulls at my clothes and tosses my poor excuse for a mind
This way and that - against my will...
Against the wind...
Same to you! smile
I just had me a heart atack - not a real one, but one of those where you think, "Oh my God!" - yeah... one of those. It's kind of depressing too, I spend my whole frickin' life watching where I put my step, and, just because of my gender, I spend the rest of it wondering if maybe I didn't step carefully enough. It's...
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Sometimes the sea is rising,
Slopping up over the sand,
Then the sidewalks,
Then lapping at the steps of my sanity,
Seaking to draw me under...
I feel the call of the salt,
Salty water to salty blood -
Trying to meet without the (me)at in the middle.
My voice is text based messaging,
Indelibly silent and truncated
And the sea is calling me
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thank you. i keep choking on the damn salt water though... haha...
Thanks. My bank is investigating it now, and all that good stuff. But even so, if they give me the money back later, that will be great, but doesn't solve my rent problem today. *sigh* Oh well...