Photos by: Vintage Eleven Photography
Happy Friday
Can't wati to get my chest piece finished after i have the lil bambina!!!!
Went camping this weekend! Was tons of fun. Saw a little black bear........right on our property. It was so neat. I wonder where the mama was.......lucky not to close* This year no ATV'ing or Four wheeling for me..............but next year it's on! We are going to Moab, UT for some Four Wheeling. Can't wait
The name Moab is a Biblical name for a land just short of the Promised Land. The Moabites were historically regarded as the perpetual enemy of the Israelites, "God's Chosen People." Physically, the region was a green, verdant valley in the middle of a serious desert; an emerald in the sand, so to speak. Because of those similarities, our little town was dubbed Moab by Mormon settlers in the 1800's.
when is your baby due? are you excited? sorry i"m a total dork i love pregnant mummy's