First off, thank you all for the Bday wishes... you all rock!
Now, to play catch up on the wonderful world of me, let's see...where do I begin...
I had a kick ass bday last week. Actually celebrated 3 nights in a row, so I'm still kind of in recovery even today. Avoiding phone calls just in case someone wants me to go out during the week. I smoked enough cigarrettes to last me till my next birthday. Had much fun though, just the same.
On other fronts, I started dating a guy for like a week and found that he was not at all my type. Hottie, but nottie... and I didn't even get laid. Of course that was my choice though...
What else... work has been insane. I worked till midnight last night so it was a 15.5 hour day, then today was an 11 hour day. I'm over it. I need a good long vacation. And a sugar daddy. Someday I'll find one of those bastards.
I love my new place. Can't get enough of it. I only wish I had more time to sit around and do absolutely nothing. Why don't they have jobs that allow you to just sit on a couch, stare at a wall and ponder? If anyone wants to pay me to do that, you know where to find me.
K, much love to all my friends who I've been neglecting terribly. I'm here, just lazy is all. Don't hate!
I am very interested in the soap opera so please keep the updates coming.