WHATS up suicide wooorld. i'm bummd i haven't been payi n g super close attention to the home page so now i 'm just finding out abou t the anniversary party.... i wanna go... does anyone in portland know sperM? he's rad and he kills burnside. oh well. i will keep skeemin to make my way to portland... also known as heaven
I'm not going... but it looks that people in LA are all getting together and having their our anniversity party!
has anyone seen this bullshit?? http://frictionusa.com/about/ its a total rip off SG site except the girls are gross compaired to the goddesses of SG fame. theyre all like suburban emo girls with no stylee... its such a rip off SG OG!
yOU know THERE are A lot OF porn SITES like THAT and LIKE this. I think THEY may HAVE gotta THE idea FROM them! BUT what DO i KNOW. miss YA!
whats up sgs? and indie girl haha. well i haven't had that much time to kick it on the SG site (unfortunately) cuz of work and everything but i'm finally getting dsl at my house at the end of the week. i just finishd working on a magazine in chicago. it should be cool. i would love put the suicide girls in a future issue........
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Hello... I feel so special when you say my name in your journals! Glad things are going good for you at your new place and work.
whast up suicide world? getting used to my new surroundings at work and home. our new house is known as the TREEHOUSE PIRATE SHIP> i guess you'd hafto come visit to see why. summer is rapidly ending it seems like i amost missed it. but i had alot of fun in louisville at least. looking forward to doing some skating in portland. hope i m...
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the new places are goood. my apartment has a nice view of the chicago skyline. if i go to portland for halloween i'm gonna either be animal chin or the silver surfer. haha.
Where have you been hiding under a rock?
new living. new office space at work and new apartment. spent the last week moving and packing. putting my material possessions in cardboard boxes and dragging them aroudn the city. other than that i saw arthur lee from the 60s band LOVE and i saw an indian guru SRI CHINMOY playd live music over the weekend. both shows were amazing. haven't been to the SG...
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Good Luck with the new apartment 8-) Slainte , PAULIE O
another weekgone by. i'm looking forward to the weekend. starting to pack for the move. its kinda freaking me out. i'm moving into a new apartment and my whole work is moving like 2 blocks north all in the same weekend. this weekend for anyone in chicago is a full blown 80s party at two art galleries check it out http://www.lumpen.com/events/lumpenwave.html
gonna tear it up...
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Hope that you had a good weekend and your moving is going great.
Where are you I hope you're okay
greetings! another monday rolls around its almost a hundred degrees in chicago... (chicago the city where you get fukd all winter cuz its so cold and so hot in the summer you can barely go out side) so i battled the elements to go skateboarding and went to a 1920s flapper party good times had by all.
The weather has been great in LA.... not to hot not cold at all. Except today I was out painting the front of the house and whooo hoo was it getting hot! So I jumped in the pool had to cool it on down.
some people that go to the trace cafe on tuesdays for the open mic threw the party...
hello again. thought i'd just throw out a quick journal entry. trying to pull my carcass through another week at work at the ad adgency. i'm currently reading the sun also rises by hemmingway. i read it along time ago but forgot it. also i quit smoking! cigarettes that is. it was hard at first but now its getting easier. cigarettes are over five bucks...
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smile u know u rock indie
smile u know u rock indie
whatsup suicide world? haven't updated my journal lately so i thought i enter at least something. the weekend was fun i went the african carribean festival in chicago saw some good reggae and ate some great food. we ripped it up at the skatepark with the usually chi-town gnardogs, the weather was good. met some guy from eugene, or at a skate and destroy bbq...
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yay for skateboarding!
i was looking around in the journals and such. and there are alot of designers on here. we should start the suicide designers! haha. but yea thats probably cuz at least i sit around all day at work and just check out the suicide girl site. i think its rad cuz its like a community with the member journals and everything. can't wait til i...
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Word up Mark...always hesh, never fresh.
I'm down for some suicide designs...