another weekgone by. i'm looking forward to the weekend. starting to pack for the move. its kinda freaking me out. i'm moving into a new apartment and my whole work is moving like 2 blocks north all in the same weekend. this weekend for anyone in chicago is a full blown 80s party at two art galleries check it out
gonna tear it up with the homies from ROCKSTAR bearings from NYC on sunday so it should be decent weekend. its super humid out now. wonder what the weathers like for all the beautiful ladies of SG in portland
i'll make it there sooooooon. starting to make plans for the burnside halloween party. hopefully i can stay with my friend sperm out there. any of u guys know him? aight late.
gonna tear it up with the homies from ROCKSTAR bearings from NYC on sunday so it should be decent weekend. its super humid out now. wonder what the weathers like for all the beautiful ladies of SG in portland
Hope that you had a good weekend and your moving is going great.
Where are you I hope you're okay