01. Your name plus "y"?
02. Two feelings at the moment?
Tired, Hungry
03. What are you listening to right now?
The hum of my computer
04. A part of a song lyric that's in your mind:
they say he changes when the sun goes down
05. Describe where you are right now?
On a chair in my office/computer room
06. The highlight of your week?
I have a highlight for last week, but none for this week yet
07. What are you craving to have right now?
More sleep
08. Any unforgettable childhood memory?
09. A not-so-good childhood memory?
See above.
10. What are your nicknames?
Marky, Milasko, Markymoo
11. Your plans for tomorrow?
12. Your plans for today?
13. Are you thinking of someone right now?
Not really
14. Ever gotten drunk?
Far too often...
15. Are you single?
Yes. It sucks
16. Say something to the person who posted this before you.
Matty is weird but funny, no... weird
17. Mary has her little lamb. What do you want?
to cook it and eat it..
18. Fill in the blank: "I.."
can't be arsed
19. Say anything you like to whoever is reading your answers.
20. Are you feeling hungry?
Yes - because i've just got out of bed...
21. Who do you miss right now?
Everyone who is interesting and stuff... I can never seem to get any interesting conversation out of my work colleagues
22. Last friend you talked to online?
Umm... can't remember
23. What do you like about night?
24. If you were on a farm what would you want to see?
25. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grow up?
i dunno..
26. Last gift?
27. Your three plans for tomorrow?
Where is Question 28? I ate it
29. Do you play an instrument?
Used to...
30. What song did you last hear?
Magic Numbers - was on the radio as i woke up..
31. Your good luck charm?
don't have one..
32. Person you hate most?
Can't think of any
33. Who makes you laugh the most?
I'm should go to work now so i'm not thinking of the answers to this question
34. What makes you smile?
35. Who has a crush on YOU?
No one
36.Who do YOU have a crush on?
Some people.. but they have no idea...
02. Two feelings at the moment?
Tired, Hungry
03. What are you listening to right now?
The hum of my computer
04. A part of a song lyric that's in your mind:
they say he changes when the sun goes down
05. Describe where you are right now?
On a chair in my office/computer room
06. The highlight of your week?
I have a highlight for last week, but none for this week yet
07. What are you craving to have right now?
More sleep
08. Any unforgettable childhood memory?
09. A not-so-good childhood memory?
See above.
10. What are your nicknames?
Marky, Milasko, Markymoo
11. Your plans for tomorrow?
12. Your plans for today?
13. Are you thinking of someone right now?
Not really
14. Ever gotten drunk?
Far too often...
15. Are you single?
Yes. It sucks
16. Say something to the person who posted this before you.
Matty is weird but funny, no... weird
17. Mary has her little lamb. What do you want?
to cook it and eat it..

18. Fill in the blank: "I.."
can't be arsed
19. Say anything you like to whoever is reading your answers.
20. Are you feeling hungry?
Yes - because i've just got out of bed...
21. Who do you miss right now?
Everyone who is interesting and stuff... I can never seem to get any interesting conversation out of my work colleagues
22. Last friend you talked to online?
Umm... can't remember
23. What do you like about night?
24. If you were on a farm what would you want to see?
25. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grow up?
i dunno..
26. Last gift?
27. Your three plans for tomorrow?
Where is Question 28? I ate it
29. Do you play an instrument?
Used to...
30. What song did you last hear?
Magic Numbers - was on the radio as i woke up..
31. Your good luck charm?
don't have one..
32. Person you hate most?
Can't think of any
33. Who makes you laugh the most?
I'm should go to work now so i'm not thinking of the answers to this question
34. What makes you smile?
35. Who has a crush on YOU?
No one
36.Who do YOU have a crush on?
Some people.. but they have no idea...