Quick update while the roomates are out & i can sqeeze time on the laptop. It's been a hectic, fun, stressful week here in Rochester,NY. Am world championships started on Tues with me ranked 140th out of 195 players. I had a pretty good Tues moving all the way up to 35th and an Amazing day Wed shooting 6 shots better than my avg and going to sleep in 22nd. First round on Thurs (today) I started poor and never got on track throwing o.b. 3x and taking a handful of bogeys in addition to the 8 on one 900' hole
ALL of these guys are good. it's no local or regional event so after lunch i had fallen all the way fromm 22 down to 80th. I managed to shoot one under par at the 2nd course of the day and crept up 4 spots but find myself approx 6 players outside the "bubble" of the projected field for Sat semi-final. If I play solid Fri i think I can break back into the field so i can at least play the last day. If not i will prob go to 7-11 & just buy a bunch of ice cream and tissues while i hide in the hotel. Goodnight- we'll see tomorrow. 

How was your trip?
That shot was the best.