Ok- Last weekend before the CaC ( PDGA tourn) Getting real excited after 4 months of waiting. And- I drew a new tattoo. (Back story: i have 2 been waiting for a year or so while i contemplate & procrastinate.. one i think very likely i will get, but not so sure about #2 ) Anywayss. I had a 3rd idea last weekend and after browsing 1,100 or so designs online i gave up and started sketching. after an hour or so and 3 tries I got something really close to my idea, and now just need to enlarge it on a copy machine & go find an artist. I really like this one and its projected location so it has leap-frogged the others and will be first on the list. Pretty sure i dont trust it to heal between July 4 and July 22 when I leave for NY, so it will prob have to wait until The labor day. But i am this -
I will add a pic in 2-3 days... bye-bye

You're coming to ny?
well I can't wait to see your tattoo. I came up with my idea and did a ruff sketch and then let the tattoo artist put his swing on it...I think it gets them more involved and sometimes they will think of things that you wouldn't think about...and if you don't like it you don't have to get it on you...they will understand