Super busy month. Two weddings, two tournaments, one party, and then the usual stuff that needs doing like cutting grass & doing laundry etc. ( i let these slide as long as i can see the mailbox from the house, and as long as i can still find matching sox somewhere ) Also been shooting pics of the two newest Disc courses to open in Charlotte. at Robert L. Smith park & the Scrapyard.. Still haven't got to actually play Smtih but hoping to next week. DGCR
More Blogs
Thursday Dec 01, 2011
I had a really great birthday from a social media perspective. and f… -
Monday Nov 07, 2011
I want to add this quick blog before i forget, even if it means not a… -
Thursday Nov 03, 2011
halloween party was a big Win this year! Thank you to all who showed… -
Wednesday Oct 26, 2011
i have a big grin this week. i met someone new in CLT and she drove … -
Saturday Oct 08, 2011
I am feeling little bit of "pre-cabin fever" as the mornings get col… -
Friday Sep 23, 2011
So - it's been one week today since i got my tattoo. It's not fancy… -
Friday Sep 16, 2011
work last night. Slept from 10am-11:30 am then went for my tattoo app… -
Wednesday Sep 07, 2011
"Don't bring home a kitty & expect me not to pet it" - -
Friday Aug 19, 2011
work week done... taking long nap then pack and prep to play the Oak … -
Monday Aug 15, 2011
If I sleep for the next 4 days will it be the longest or shortest we…
Oh! our new digs are near a new park. It has a very cool looking high ropes course. Apparently it also has a disc golf course, but it hasn't received high marks: