Got sick Wed. night in an odd way. I worked outside 4 hrs after work, and maybe over heated some, but didnt' notice anything unusual while eating dinner,showering,and going to bed. Woke up at 2am thurs shivering so hard i could barely talk and had to put on a sweatshirt and long pants and sox plus add a quilt on top of bed. my temp was 97.5 which is not crazy low but then after an hour I had 99.9 fever and sweating on everything. I felt better when i woke up Thurs morning and went to work but was cold and miserable most of day. ( I looked funny in my jeans and sweatshirt while everyone else had on shorts. ) Anyway- I have no other symptoms of sickness but took today off work to rest up because I have to take wedding pics Sat. and don't want to risk messing that up.
You know the robot is sexy. 

HAHAHA I got it on my right (my smaller boob), let's hope you're right. HA HA HA