I suppose when you are riding your moped home from work and a police man does a u-turn and follows you for 1/2 mile or so putting on his yellow hazard lights and riding your tail, but not actually going to full-on blue flashers and siren that he means it as a friendly ( albeit nervous ) warning to watch your speed. After a bit he finally pulled to the side and turned back the other way, and i was careful to not exceed 40mph or so until he was out of site. Today was the first time i felt like i got any specific attn. from the law while riding it, but i will have to be a bit more wary going forward because it would be so darn embarrassing to get a ticket on the that cute little scooter.

How long have you had the moped?
He wasn't following you because he thought you were speeding, it's most likely because people who have had previous DUI's are only allowed to drive moped's. And, those people are usually repeat DUI offenders on the moped as well.
We used to call them "liquor-cycles".