It has been a crazy week for me. I didn't get much sleep during the week while cause the car was getting worked on, the garage door had to get fixed, i was working 2nd job and other stuff that you just can't sleep through. ( oh, and playing disc golf tues and fri. ) I also had a "food first" this week when I decided that the bread was a little stale on my peanut butter & jelly sammich. I was getting clothes ready for work and decided if I put some more water in the iron that I could sort of steam it back to freshness as long as I didn't hold the iron so long that it melted the pb&J, or burn the bread.
Anyway- things didn't turn out exactly how I expected, but it was interesting and you never know til you try right? and if you thought i would post a pic of my experiment...



It's just like a panini, just with an iron.