Holy crap, do I have one hellva redneck extravaganza planed for the weekend? First on Friday we'll be tattooing, vaccinating, and castrating cattle, at my fathers shack. Yes I said shack; this is a far cry from a house. Saturday will be spent pistol shopping, and loading ammo. Gun shopping is to rednecks, as shoe shopping is to women. We can spend all day doing it and maybe make one or 2 purchases that will max out credit card. And lastly on Sunday is a target shoot / BBQ. Its times like this that it seems I should know how to play the banjo. I'll try to grab some photos of the less grizzly moments for those that care.
And for those that were wondering. Yes we tattoo cattle now rather than brand them. We're hip like that.
-Marksman out
PS: Would one of my city dwelling friends please come rescue me from myself.
And for those that were wondering. Yes we tattoo cattle now rather than brand them. We're hip like that.
-Marksman out
PS: Would one of my city dwelling friends please come rescue me from myself.
Tell dad thanx for inviting the child that wants to get in to vet and could use all the cow experience she can get. This child is feeling forgotten and left out! (hehe the first part rhymed)
P.S. I play with pigs all day and have the worst farmers tan I have ever seen right now so I can not even save myself.