Its like 10:30 and i have just dragged my ass home from work. And while one might think that I should be a bit grumpy, I am infact quite excited. You see, at work I was informed that "Three Inches of Blood" is rolling through my province in april, playing 2 shows. One in calgary and one in edmonton. While many do not like 3IoB, I happen to think they sound pretty cool. A retro sound, "that marches steadily forward over the bleached bones of a dead genre"
Some upsetting news (well upsetting to me any way) is, I may have to shave my beard for work related reasons. I realize most people may see this as a good thing, but keep in mind, with out it I look like a pudgy 12 year old. Any way, I'm going to go take some pics of myself with my facial fuzz while I still have it. *sigh*
This is a realy cool mod for any child of the 80's still clinging to thier old audio cassettesThink Geek

Some upsetting news (well upsetting to me any way) is, I may have to shave my beard for work related reasons. I realize most people may see this as a good thing, but keep in mind, with out it I look like a pudgy 12 year old. Any way, I'm going to go take some pics of myself with my facial fuzz while I still have it. *sigh*
This is a realy cool mod for any child of the 80's still clinging to thier old audio cassettesThink Geek

and maybe i'll send you one. we can hash it out.
rose will be so happy your beard will be leaving!